Özge Samanci, a media artist and graphic novelist, is an associate professor at Northwestern University’s School of Communication. Her interactive installations have been exhibited internationally at venues such as Museu do Amanhã, Siggraph Art Gallery, FILE Festival, Currents New Media, The Tech Museum of Innovation, WRO Media Art Biennial, Athens International Festival of Digital Arts and New Media, Piksel Electronic Arts Festival, and ISEA.
Her graphic memoir Dare to Disappoint (Farrar Straus Giroux, 2015) has been translated into six languages. Her second graphic novel, Evil Eyes Sea (Uncivilized Books, 2024), was named one of The Guardian’s best graphic novels of 2024. Her drawings have appeared in The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, and Slate Magazine.
Samanci has received several awards, including the Berlin Prize in 2017, when she was also the Holtzbrinck Visual Arts Fellow at the American Academy in Berlin. She was honored with the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Distinguished Alumni Award (2020) from the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Artist Fellowship Award in Media Arts (2023) from the Illinois Arts Council.
Northwestern University, Associate Professor
Radio TV and Film Department, August 2011 - present
University of California, Berkeley, Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Art Practice Department, 2009 -2011
Georgia Institute of Technology, Ph.D.
Digital Media, School of Literature Communication and Culture, 2005 - 2009
Ohio University, MA
School of Communication Studies, 2003 - 2005
Istanbul Bilgi University, MA
Film and Television Department, 1999 - 2001
Bogazici University, BA
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department, 1992 - 1999
2024, 24-26 September, Ibrida Festival delle Arti Intermediali- Forlì, Italy
2023, 19 Sept – 30 Oct NOVA-Supercreativity: The New Aesthetics of a Technologically Modified World, Museu do Amanhã,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2023, 27-29 October, Electronic Fields, Llerena, Fuente Del Arco, Reina (Badajoz), Spain
2023, 4 July - 27 August, Electronic Language International Festival FILE, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2022, 17-20 November, Piksel New Media Festival, Bergen Norway
2022, 8-11 August, SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, Vancouver
2022, 10-16 June, 27th International Symposium on Electronic Arts ISEA, Barcelona, Spain
2022, 8-9 April, Forecast Platform, RadialSystem, Berlin, Germany
2021-2022, Oct 15-Feb 13, Van Gogh For All, Juliet Art Museum, Charleston
2021, August 15- September 26, Van Gogh For All, Magnificient Mile, Chicago
2019, July 20- October 14, Van Gogh For All, Michele and Donald D’Amour Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield
2019 March 10- June 27, Van Gogh For All, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
2019-2018, December 17- January 14, Van Gogh For All, Water Tower Place, Chicago
2019, 21-23 November, Piksel Festival for Electronic Arts, Bergen Norway
2019, 28 July- 1 August, SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, Los Angeles
2019, 25 June ACM Creativity and Cognition Art Exhibition “Ecologies of Transformation”, the University of California San Diego
2019, 31 March "Sense of a Future Ocean" at SBCAST at Santa Barbara
2019, April, Graphic Worlds, in the Making, The Fact Finder Gallery, Berlin, Germany
2018, 29-30 December Plexus Projects, Art Gallery, New York.
2018, 11 Dec – 1 Feb, Work in Progress Group Exhibition, Ann Arbor Art Center
2018, 8-9 September, BrainMind Summit, Digital Consciousness Exhibit, Stanford University
2018, 8 September- 4 November, Wir Verrecken vor Lachen!, Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
2018, 12-16 August SIGGRAPH Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
2018, 3 July to 12 August, Electronic Language International Festival FILE, SESI Gallery, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2018 June 8-24, Currents New Media, Santa Fe
2017, 2-6 October, Sustain and Decay, The IEEE VIS 2017 Arts Program VISAP, Phoenix, Arizona
2016, 28 September – 16 October, Mindscapes, Hall Arts Gallery, Istanbul
2016, June 11-12, CAKE, Chicago Alternative Comics Expo, CAKE, Chicago
2015 August 14-19, 21st International Symposium on Electronic Arts ISEA, Vancouver, Canada
2015, June 15-August 16, Electronic Language International Festival FILE, SESI Gallery, in Sao Paulo, Brazil
2014, November 11-14, Advances in Computer Entertainment ACE, Madeira, Portugal
2013 November 12-15, International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling ICIDS’13, Istanbul, Turkey
2013 November 12-15, Creative Showcases, Advances in Computer Entertainment ACE’13, Twente, Netherlands
2013, June 13-23 , 19th International Symposium on Electronic Arts ISEA, Sydney, Australia
2013, June 7-9, Athens International Video Arts and New Media Festival ADAF, Athens, Greece
2013, May 9-18, WRO Media Arts Biennial, Galeria Entropia, Biennale WRO, Wroclaw, Poland
2012, November 1-January 11, Word 6: An Architecture of Multimodal Poetry/Text, The Arcade Gallery, Chicago
2012, August 8-11, University Film and Video Association New Media Exhibition UFVA, Chicago
2012, February 19-April 15, Crossing Wires: Technology and Play, Evanston Art Center, Evanston
2011, November 15, Hands-On Emerging Technology, Pixel Wall, The Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose.
2010, November 3-13, 2010 Art Practice Faculty Show, Worth Ryder Art Gallery, Berkeley
2010, June 21- November 30, Planting Comics, UC Botanical Garden at Berkeley, Berkeley
2010, June 27 – August 22, International Mail Art Exhibition, Armory Center for Arts, Pasadena
2010, August, Mail Art Exhibition, Gallery KG52, Stockholm, Sweden
2009, 24 June - 3 July, Ordinary Things Solo Exhibition, Sycamore Place Gallery, Atlanta
2009, May 2nd, Collaborations Atlanta, Blue Tower Art Gallery, Atlanta
2008, March 3-17, Ordinary Things Solo Exhibition, Art House Coop, Atlanta
2007, April 6th, Listening Machines Show, Eyedrum Art Gallery, Atlanta
2024, Evil Eyes Sea (graphic novel), Uncivilized Books.
2015, Dare to Disappoint (Autobiographical Graphic Novel), Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Translated to Dutch, Korean, Italian, Turkish, and Persian.
2004, Animasyonun Onlenemez Yukselisi (The Irresistible Rise of Animation), Istanbul Bilgi University Publications, Istanbul
2022, Rejected Passport Photos, In IGNITE: A Justice-Forward Approach to Decolonizing Higher Education through Space, Place, and Culture. Writing and images, Vernon Press
2015 Earthquakes in Film: Exploring Visual Strategies, In Film on the Faultline, Edited by Alan Wright, Intellect and The University of Chicago Press.
2022, Ozge Samanci, Jennifer Hutson, Jonathan David, Wren Gottschalk, Jack Burkhardt, Rachel Kantor, Stephan Moore, and Liza Salvi. VastWaste. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Art Gallery (SIGGRAPH '22). Association for Computing Machinery.
2019, Ozge Samanci, Adam Snyder, Gabriel Caniglia, Fiber Optic Ocean, SIGGRAPH '19 Art Papers in Special Issue of Leonardo, MIT Press.
2018, Ozge Samanci, Gabriel Caniglia, You are the Ocean, SIGGRAPH '18 Art Papers in Special Issue of Leonardo, Volume 51, Issue 4, MIT Press.
2018 Ozge Samanci, Adam Snyder, Fiber Optic Ocean, Merging Media for Data Representation, VISAP 16-17 Special Issue, Leonardo Journal, MIT Press.
2015, Fast Forwarding through Turkey's Last Ten Years with Ordinary Things, Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 2.2 (2015): 307-334.
2014 Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Sage Journals, Volume 20 Issue 1, February 2014 Embodied Site-Specific Animation
2010 The Journal of International Digital Media and Art Association, volume 7, no:1 From Site-specific Comics to Location-based Comics: Ordinary Things, Planting Comics, and GPS Comics
2006, Fall Issue, International Journal of Comic Art, Lynda Barry's Humor: At the Juncture of Private and Public, Invitation and Dissemination, Childish and Professional
--Published by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Press and IEEE Xplore--
2019, Ozge Samanci and Gabriel Caniglia, You are the Ocean: Interactive Installation, C&C '19 Proceedings of the 2019 on Creativity and Cognition pp. 414-421
2017, Ozge Samanci, Adam Snyder, Fiber Optic Ocean: Merging Media for Data Representation, IEEE VIS, VISAP 2017, IEEE Xplore
2014, Ozge Samanci, Blacki Li Rudi Migliozzi, Daniel Sabio, Plink Blink: Collaborative Music Production via Blinking Eyes, In Proc. Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE’14), ACM Press.
2014, Ozge Samanci, Impact of Digital Media on Comics. In Proc. SIGGRAPH'14 Studio, ACM Press
2012, Ozge Samanci, Anuj Tewari. Expanding the Comics Canvas: GPS Comics. In Proc. Fun and Games Conference, In Proc. Fun and Games (FnG’13), ACM Press, 27-34.
2010, Ozge Samanci and Anuj Tewari, GPS Comics: Seeing thru Walls. In Proc. SIGGRAPH’10 Posters (single page publication), ACM Press.
2008, Aimee Rydarowski, Ozge Samanci, and Ali Mazalek, Murmur: Kinetic Relief Sculpture, Multi-Sensory Display, Listening Machine. In Proc. Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI’08), ACM Press, 231-238.
2007, Ozge Samanci, Yanfeng Chen, and Ali Mazalek, Tangible Comics: A Performance Space with Full-body Interaction, In Proc. Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE’07), ACM Press, 171-178.
2015 Fall, JAST, Journal of American Studies in Turkey- Film review for “Real Women Have Curves” ISSUE 42. p. 308-309.
2014, JAST, Journal of American Studies in Turkey issue 40- Film review for “In Your Eyes” pp.186-188.
2014, Journal of Film and Video Vol. 66, No. 3 (Fall 2014), pp. 57-59, Book review for “That’s All Folks? Ecocritical Readings of American Animated Features”
2013, JAST, Journal of American Studies in Turkey- "Remembering Gore Vidal", No 35-36, Book Review for "Women and Turkish Cinema: Gender Politics, Cultural Identity and Representation"
2016, 8 March, Ozge Samanci, The Huffington Post, How I Became an Artist: Tips for Changing Careers
2016, 31 January, Ozge Samanci, The Daily Beast, Being an Immigrant Is Now Even Harder
2015, 16 November, Boing Boing, At Least Turkey's Tragic Politics Gives Material to Comics Artistshttp://boingboing.net/2015/11/16/at-least-turkeys-tragic-poli.html
2023, 2021 Cartoons for The New Yorker
2023-2018, Cartoons for Pepper and Salt section, The Wall Street Journal
2017, guest-edited by Françoise Mouly, art editor of The New Yorker, and writer Nadja Spiegelman, Resist
2016, January Issue, Logo Design and illustrations for Slate Book Review
2016, February 15, Illustration for Guernica Magazine
2023, Illinois Arts Council Agency (IACA), the Artist Fellowship Award, Media Arts
2022, Finalist for Wolinski Prize with Dare to Disappoint
2020, The Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Distinguished Alumni Award, Georgia Institute of Technology
2017, Berlin Prize, American Academy in Berlin
2016, Dare to Disappoint, Middle East Book Award
2016, Dare to Disappoint, 30th Annual New York Book Show.
2015, Clarence Simon Award for Teaching and Mentoring
2015, Fall, Dare to Disappoint was awarded the designation of “A Junior Library Guild Selection”
FELLOWSHIPS / residencies
2023-2024, Northwestern Roberta Buffett Institute for Global Affairs Faculty Fellow
2021, Alice Kaplan Institute for Humanities, Faculty Fellow for 21-22 Academic Year
2021, Forecast Mentorship Program, Berlin
2019, March, Artist in Resident at National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
2017, Fall, Visual Arts Holtzbrinck Fellow, American Academy in Berlin
2015-2016, The Op-Ed Public Voices Thought Leadership Fellowship Program
2009-2011, Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California Berkeley Art Practice Department
2017, Ozge Samanci, Adam Snyder, Fiber Optic Ocean: Merging Media for Data Representation, IEEE VIS, VISAP 2017
2014, October, Comparative & Interdisciplinary Approaches in the Field of Turkish Studies Conference, Fast Forwarding through Turkey’s last 10 years with Ordinary Things
2014, April, Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association (PCA/ACA), Impact of Digital Media on Comics
2012, September, Toulousse, France, Fun and Games Conference, Expanding the Comics Canvas: GPS Comics. Ozge Samanci, Anuj Tewari
2012, August, Chicago, University Film and Video Association Conference, On the Air
2011, October, Savannah GA., The International Digital Media and Arts Association’s 9th annual conference, Full Body in Play: Manipulation of Distance
2010, November, Emily Carr University, Vancouver B.C., The International Digital Media and Arts Association’s 8th annual conference, Location-based Comics: GPS Comics, Ordinary Things, and Planting Comics
2010, September, Future and Reality of Gaming, 4th Vienna Games Conference, Embodied Comics: Reinventing Comics and Animation for a Digital Performance
2009, September, 090909 Nor Good Nor Bad Nor Neutral, University of California, Berkeley, Absurdity and Neutrality
2008, November, Adobe MAX 2008/2009 North America, San Francisco. Arts and Sciences, Theory and Practice, Digital Media Education
2007, June, 2nd International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction. Murmur: Kinetic Relief Sculpture, Multi-Sensory Display, Listening Machine. Aimee Rydarowski, Ozge Samanci, and Ali Mazalek (presenter)
2007, June, Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE). Tangible Comics: A Performance Space with Full-body Interaction. Ozge Samanci, Yanfeng Chen, and Ali Mazalek (presenter)
2006, December, The American Humor Studies Association Conference, New Orleans. Tangible Comics: A Narrative Performance Using Computer Vision
2006, November, MAE Center Coordination Meetings. Visualization and Decision Strategies for Seismic Loss Assessment, group project, presented by Gray Gunter
2006, April, National Meeting of Popular Culture and American Culture Associations, Atlanta. Lynda Barry's Humor: At the Juncture of Private and Public, Invitation and Dissemination, Childish and Professional
2005, September, San Francisco State University, Shades of Sexuality in Film; Exploring the 'Aberrant,' the 'Normal,' and the Space Between. A Jolt to Mainstream Cinema from Jane Campion: Detective and Femme Fatale Switching Their Roles in In the Cut
2005, May, The Fourth Annual Student Research and Creative Activity Fair, Ohio University, Athens. The Inevitable Affection among Animation, Graphic Novel, and Film Noir in the Digital Era: A Look at The Hudsucker Proxy from the Frame of the Hula-Hoop
2004, September, Society for Animation Studies Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, The Blurry Borders between Digital and Analog Media, Live Action and Animation in Spielberg's Minority Report Part 2
2004, August, Cultural Issues in Developing 3D Worlds, Prague, Czech Republic. The Blurry Borders between Digital and Analog Media, Live Action and Animation in Spielberg's Minority Report Part 1
(Upcoming) 2025, 18 Feb, Yale University
(Upcoming) 2025, 12 May, Stanford University
2024, 16 March, The Society of Illustrators The Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art MoCCA Arts Festival Carousel Event, New York
2024, 11-12 May, Toronto Comics Arts Festival, Special Guest, Toronto
2023, 15 Mart, Bogazici University, Istanbul
2023, 7 March, Institut Français, Istanbul
2022, 11 October, The Middle East through Graphic Novel Class Visit, Stanford University
2022, August 9, Artist Talk, Siggraph 2022 Art Gallery
2022, 15 June, VastWaste, ISEA 2022, Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya, Spain
2022, May 4, Artist Talk, University of California San Diego
2022, May 4, Evil Eye: Graphic Novel, Kaplan Institute, Northwestern University
2022, April 8, Reading from Evil Eye: Graphic Novel Forecast Festival, RadialSystem, Berlin, Germany
2021, September 9, Evil Eye: Graphic Novel, 6th Forecast Forum, Berlin, Germany
2021, July 29, Artist Talk: Art and Animation in Mechanics: Communicating Science and Engineering in the 21st Century, U.S. National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNC/TAM)
2021, July 27, The Kids Are Alright: Youth Culture and Politics in the Middle East and Latin America, New York University
2021, March 29, Dare to Disappoint, Salisbury University
2021, June 18, Dare to Disappoint, APTLI, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2020, July 13, Dare to Disappoint, TURFLI, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2020 July 20, Artist Talk, Dartmouth College Department of Film & Media Studies
2019 August 29, Fiber Optic Ocean, Siggraph 2019 Art Gallery
2019, March 11, Artist Talk, University of California Santa Barbara, Media Arts and Technology Graduate Program Seminar Series
2018, October 28, From Ego to Eco, Chicago Humanities Festival
2018, August 15, You are the Ocean, Siggraph 2018 Art Gallery
2017, November 27, Artist Talk, Universität der Künste Berlin
2017, November 9, Not Here but Everywhere, American Academy in Berlin
2016, December 7, Artist Talk, Izmir Economy University
2016, September 7-17, Dare to Disappoint, Berlin Literature Festival
2016, May 9, Dare to Disappoint, Northwestern University, M.S. in Leadership for Creative Enterprises
2016, March 31, Artist Talk, Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts
2016, April 27, Dare to Disappoint, DePaul University, Writing the City Class
2016, April 5, DM Alumni Talk, Georgia Institute of Technology, Digital Media Department
2016, April 12, Individual Against A Larger Force, University of Southern California, Cinematic Arts, World Building Media Lab
2016, Jan 25, MENA Monday, Northwestern University, Middle East and North African Studies
2015 January 16, Pushing the Boundaries of Media: Creating New Meaning Making Strategies, Buffet Center, Northwestern University
2014 August 13, Impact of Digital Media on Comics, Studio Talks, SIGGRAPH’14, Vancouver
2012 February 28, Segal Seminar Series, In the Box or Out of the Box, Segal Design Institute, Northwestern University
2024, April 27th, Comics and Collage, C2E2 Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo
2022, April, No Mistakes, Forecast Mentorship 6th Edition, Radial System
2017, August 19, Thinking with Metaphors, Northwestern University Summer Writers’ Conference
2016, July 7, Accessing and Navigating Memories, Northwestern University Summer Writers’ Conference
2010 February 26, Collective Intelligence /Alternate Reality Game Design Workshop, IF New Media Factory, Lexington, KY Workshop organized with Greg Niemeyer
2019, November 18-19, NSF workshop, Cue.Next, Computing in Undergraduate Education, Evanston
2019, July 28-August 1, Code Crafting with TurtleStitch, SIGGRAPH 2019, Los Angeles
2019, July 28-August 1, Space as Interface: Creating Interactive Street Art SIGGRAPH 2019, Los Angeles
2019, July 28-August 1, 3D Printing on Fabric, SIGGRAPH 2019, Los Angeles
2019, July 28-August 1, Troubleshooting and Cleanup Techniques for 3D Printing, SIGGRAPH 2019, Los Angeles
2018, August 14, Sigggraph 2018 Studio, Led as Sensors
2018, July 29, Gray Area of Arts, Creating personal independent internet, Tools for the Next Revolution with Mathias Jud, San Francisco
2018 July 29, Gray Area of Arts, Intro to Biomaterials for Design with Annelie Koller, San Francisco
2017, July 26-28, Gray Area of Arts, Stepping into WebVR with A-Frame, San Francisco
2014 November 10, Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE’14), Love and Sex with Robots
2014 May 22-23, Computing in the Arts: Music, Art, and Computation, Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC
2013 November 12-15, Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE’13), Touch, Taste and Smell: Multisensory Entertainment.
2013 November 12-15, Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE’13), XIMPEL, creating an interactive video
2012 September 4, Opportunities and Challenges when Designing and Developing Games with/for Kids, Fun and Games Conference, Toulouse France
2011 July 10-15, Writing the Unthinkable, Writing workshop led by Lynda Barry, Rhinebeck New York
2008 April 29-30, Responsive Objects, Surfaces and Spaces (ROSS), Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA
2007 January 19-21, 3-Day Seminar with Scott McCloud, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA
2001, The 9th Animated Film Workshop Cracow, Animated Film Department of the Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow, Poland
No Title, 2008, Animation by Ozge Samanci and Geoffrey Thomas, 10-minute
Sonic Generator Concert, 2008, 3rd April, Screening of the video accompanied by a live flute performance by Jessica Sherwood
Saving Diana, 2007, Directed by Gulgun Ozek, Animation by Ozge Samanci, 3-minute
If Istanbul Shorts, 2007, 19th February,
18th Ankara International Film Festival, 2007, 12-22 April
Umbilical Cord, 2004, Fiction, created and directed by Ozge Samanci, 5-minute
Athens International Film and Video Festival, 2005, Screening
If Istanbul Shorts, 2005, Screening
1943, 2004. Performance Video, directed by Cicek Kahraman, 8 minutes 23 seconds, Performance and camera by Ozge Samanci
If Istanbul Shorts, 2005
Sleep and Then, 2004, Directed by Ovgu Gokce, 8 minutes 30 second, Credits Design by Ozge Samanci
Columbia Tristar National Short Film Competition (Turkey), 2005, Best Experimental Film Award
16th Ankara International Film Festival, 2005, Best Experimental Film Award
Glasses, 2000, Directed by Ozge Samanci, 3 minutes 18 second
13th Ankara International Film Festival, 2001, Screening
13th Istanbul Short Film Festival, 2001, Screening
IFSAK Short Film Festival, 2001, Screening
2024 February, Illinois Art Council Association, the Artist Fellowship Award
2019 October 16-27, Animated Short Film Jury, 55th Chicago International Film Festival
2017 Juror for NSK Neustadt Prize for Children’s Literature ($25K award for one author)
Northwestern University, Radio TV Film Department, Evanston, IL
Assistant Professor, 2011 – 2017
Associate Professor, 2017-present
2023, Filmmaking with Emerging Technologies
2023-2017, (Graduate course) VirtualandAlternateRealityStorytelling
2019, Critical Making
2015,(Graduate course) InteractiveDocumentary
2016-2011, Interactive Arts
2012, Interactive Comics
2023-2012, Computer Code for Arts
2013, Storyboarding and Layout
2023-2013, Drawing for Media
2016,2013 Graphic Novels
2014, Theory and Criticism of Digital Interactive Media
Northwestern University Prison Education Program at Stateville Correctional Center
2023 Drawing for Media
University of California, Berkeley, Art Practice, Berkeley, CA
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2009 - 2011
2011, (Graduate course) Special Topics in New Media: Interactive Narrative
2010,(Graduate course) Directed Group Study: Interactive Narrative
2010, Special Topics in Visual Studies: Comics and Graphic Novels
2009, Foundations of American Cyber-Culture
Georgia Institute of Technology, Digital Media, Atlanta, GA
Graduate Assistant, 2005 -2009
2005 -2009, Introduction to Film
Sabanci University, Visual Arts and Communication Design, Istanbul
Lecturer, 2006 Summer
2006, Introduction to Film and Media Studies
Ohio University, School of Communication Studies, Athens, OH
Teaching Associate, 2003 - 2005
2003 – 2005, Public Speaking
Istanbul Bilgi University, Visual Communication Design Dept, Istanbul
Full-time Lecturer, 2001-2003
2001-2003, Visual Perception
2001-2003, Contemporary Media
2001-2003, Introduction to Animation
2001-2003, Senior Project
Istanbul Bilgi University, Visual Communication Design Dept, Istanbul
Teaching Assistant, 1998-2001
1998-2001, Visual Perception (Teaching Assistant)
1998-2001, Art and Culture (Teaching Assistant)
1998-2001, History of Visual Culture (Teaching Assistant)
1998-2001, Image and Word (Teaching Assistant)
(Upcoming) 2025, June 2, LG&TBQ2, a conference celebrating the mathematics of LGBTQ+ mathematicians in geometry, topology and dynamics, Montreal, Canada
(Upcoming) 2025, April 17-18 Panelist: NU IDEAS Summit, Living Our Values, Women’s Club of Evanston.
2025, January 23, AI and the Humanities, San Francisco, California
2024, October 23, Exhibition Keynote: Federico Solmi in Conversation, Block Museum, Evanston
2024, February 1, Generative AI + Entertainment: Opportunity, Ethics, and Law, LA California
2024, April 26, Titles That You Should Be Reading, Teaching, And Recommending, C2E2 (Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo)
2022, March 4, Book Discussion with Jenny White, Ergün Gündüz, and Özge Samancı, Keyman Institute, Northwestern University
2022, February 22 Muslim Comics and Women Artists, University of Georgia
2017, August 19, Writing Chicago: Northwestern University Summer Writers’ Conference Traveling the World and Within
2016, June 12, Panelist, Printers Row Festival, Chicago
2016 May 7, Speaker and Panelist, Evanston Literary Festival, Evanston Public Library
2016, March 20, Panelist, Go Graphic, Graphic Novels, C2E2 (Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo)
2014, April, Panelist and juror on Dorkly's C2E2 (Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo) discussion of fan art
2012, Samanci, O., Fernández-Vara, C., Gingold, C., & Murray, J. Digital Media Scholarship and the Re-imaging of the Humanites.
2023, 2022, 2020, 2018, American Academy in Berlin, Berlin Prize, Reviewer for Fellows Selection
2018, ArtsIT, Interactivity & Game Creation
2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 IEEE VIS Arts Program (Advances in Scientific and Information Visualization)
2016, SIGGRAPH Arts Papers Reviewer
2013, CHI 2013 (Conference Human Factors in Computing Systems)
2013 TEI 2013 (Tangible Embedded Interaction)
2013 ISMAR 2013 (International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality)
2011, TEI 2011 Graduate Student Consortium (Tangible Embedded Interaction Conference)
2024, December 2, James Smart, The Guardian, The Best Graphic Novels of 2024.
2024, November 18, Forecast, Murder on the Bosphorus
2025, Jan 31, Nazlan Ertan, El-Monitor, AL-Monitor Istanbul: Exhibit at home of famed femme fatale
2024, October 28, Takhayyul, Imagining Turkey Podcast, Ozge Samanci and her graphic novels
2024, October 15, Leonard Pierce, The Comics Journal, Evil Eyes Sea
2024, September 13, Elisa Shoenberger, Murder and Mayhem, Let's Get Graphic: 7 Recent Mystery Graphic Novels
2024, August 19, Diana Babineau, Northwestern Magazine, Evil Eyes Sea
2024, July 16, William Armstrong, Turkey Book Talk, Ozge Samanci on Visualising Istanbul’s Sociopolitical Currents
2024, July 15, Isthmus What to do in Madison this week: Palm Ghosts, Özge Samanci and more Isthmus Picks
2024, May 5, The New York Times Book Review, Evil Eyes Sea
2024, May 4, Devony Hof, Third Coast Review, Review: In Evil Eyes Sea, Two Women Uncover a Mystery at the Heart of Turkish Culture
2024, April 29, Publishers Weekly Evil Eyes Sea
2024, April 14, Emily Lauer, Alenka Figa, Women Write about Comics WWACommendations: Les Normaux, Evil Eyes Sea, Flying Kites and More
2024, March 15, Terry Hong, BookList Evil Eyes Sea
2024, Feb 27, The Beat Graphic Novel Trailer: Scuba meets stone cold corruption in EVIL EYES SEA
2023, 2 November, Christopher Chiu-Tabet, Multiversity Comics
2023, 1 November, Brigid Alverson, ICV2 The Business of the Geek Culture,
2023, 12 April, Made in Bed, Forecast Berlin: Lightning With a Chance of Sea Change
2021, 13 January, Leah Rachel von Essen, Book Riot, 9 Graphic Memoirs And True Stories By Women
2020, 14 November, Esthetic Lens, 5 Questions: Media Artist and Graphic Novelist Özge Samanci
2020, 3 October, Julia Rittenberg, Book Riot, Four Great Global Graphic Novels
2019, 20 May, Ramin Zahed, Animation Magazine, SIGGRAPH to Showcase Immersive Art Exhibit in Los Angeles
2020, 14 November, Esthetic Lens, 5 Questions: Media Artist and Graphic Novelist Özge Samanci
2019, 20 May, Ramin Zahed, Animation Magazine, SIGGRAPH to Showcase Immersive Art Exhibit in Los Angeles
2019, 13 August, Esthetic Lens, 5 Questions: Media Artist and Graphic Novelist Özge Samanci
2019, July 23, Yash Gugale, Medium.com
2019, K.A.Letts, Pulp
2018, Kathy Rae Huffman, Digicult
2018, 8 June, Grace Parazzoli, Pasatiempo Making waves: Ozge Samanci and Gabriel Caniglia's "You Are the Ocean"
2017, 19 Jan, Claire Landsbaum, The Cut, Resistance in This Tabloid Paper
2017, 23 May, Canan Marasligil, Bookwitty In the Graphic Memoir, Dare to Disappoint, Özge Samanci Talks about Growing up in Turkey
2016, 20 November, Patricia Hruby Powell, The News-Gazette, Inspirational Graphic Novel A Great Gift
2016, 12 October, William Armstrong, Hurriyet Daily News, INTERVIEW: Özge Samanci on ‘Dare to Disappoint: Growing up in Turkey
2016, 5 October, Ceyda Nurthsch, Qantara.de, Pressure on artists in Turkey is Increasing
2016, 09 June, William Armstrong, Hurriyet Daily News, ‘Dare to Disappoint: Growing Up In Turkey’ by Ozge Samanci
2016, Summer, Elizabeth Canning Blackwell, Northwestern Magazine, Drawing Outside the Box
2016, 20 April, Julie Hakim Azzam, Status Hour, Why a Turkish Woman Artist Must Dare to Disappoint
2016, 27 March, Grand Forks Herald, Book Notes
2016, 8 March, Ozge Samanci, The Huffington Post, How I Became an Artist: Tips for Changing Careers
2016, 29 February, David Lepeska, The National, Book review: Dare to Disappoint, A Bold Tale about Coming of Age in Turkey
2016, 28 February, Kori Kunz, The Register-Guard, Memoir from Turkey, “Dare to Disappoint,” Delivers
2016, 10 February, Kathryn Bromwich, The Guardian, On my radar: China Miéville’s cultural highlights The writer on a moving comic about life in 80s Turkey, disquieting composer Carolyn O’Brien and poet Caitlin Doherty’s tribute to the first dog in space
2016, 19 February, Terry Hong, Smithsonian APA / Book Dragon, Dare to Disappoint: Growing Up in Turkey by Özge Samanci
2016, 10 February, Charlotte Mcpherson, Today's Zaman, Cultural Transitions and Foreign Devils
2016, 8 February, Gwen Tarbox and Andy Kunka, The Comics Alternative, Podcast Review
2016, 31 January, Ozge Samanci, The Daily Beast, Being an Immigrant Is Now Even Harder
2016, 29 January, Susan Faust, San Francisco Chronicle, Dare to Disappoint: Growing Up in Turkey
2016, 19 January, Michael Berry, Sun-Sentinel, Book review: Dare to Disappoint: Growing Up in Turkey, http://www.sun-sentinel.com/features/south-florida-parenting/stages/sfp-book-review-dare-to-disappoint-growing-up-in-turkey-a-clever-heartfelt-graphic-memoir-great-for-girl-20160119-story.html
2016, 08 January, Dan Kois, Slate, Dare to Disappoint, http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/books/2016/01/ozge_samanci_s_cartoon_memoir_dare_to_disappoint_reviewed.html
2016, 04 January, Phil Ponce, Chicago Tonight, WTTW (Chicago PBS), Northwestern Professor Tells Turkish Coming-of-Age Story, http://chicagotonight.wttw.com/2016/01/04/northwestern-professor-tells-turkish-coming-age-story
2015, 29 December, Karin Snelson, Shelf Awareness, Dare to Disappoint http://www.shelf-awareness.com/readers-issue.html?issue=466#m8179
2015, 22 December, Tim O’Neil, A.V. Club, Dare to Disappoint,
2015, 17 December, Kaya Genc, New Republic, The Graphic Memoir Comes to Turkey, https://newrepublic.com/article/125975/graphic-memoir-comes-turkey
2015, 13 December, Meltem Gurle, BirGun, Chasing the past: Ozge Samanci, http://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/kayip-zamanin-izinde-ozge-samanci-97702.html
2015, 9 December, Maria Russo, The New York Times, A Different World, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/09/books/review/dare-to-disappoint-by-ozge-samanci-review.html?_r=0
2015, 10 December, Julie Danielson, Kirkus, Reliving Childhood with Özge Samanci, https://www.kirkusreviews.com/features/reliving-childhood-ozge-samanci/
2015, 9 December, Charles Whitney, Los Angles Review of Books, http://blog.lareviewofbooks.org/reviews/coming-age-turkey/
2015, 6 December, Jean Westmoore, The Buffalo News, Books in Brief: Dare to Disappoint: Growing up in Turkey; http://www.buffalonews.com/life-arts/book-reviews/books-in-brief-dare-to-disappoint-growing-up-in-turkey-merry-merry-holly-holly-by-dori-chaconas-20151206
2015, 3 December, Jeremy Mikula, The Chicago Tribune, Chicago Book News, http://www.chicagotribune.com/lifestyles/books/ct-prj-chicago-book-news-chicago-writers-association-awards-20151203-story.html
2015, 1 December, Cal Cleary, The Beat, Interview: Özge Samanci on Art, Family, and a Love of Learning http://www.comicsbeat.com/interview-ozge-samanci-on-art-family-and-a-love-of-learning/
2015, 26 November, Handan Kazanci, Anadolu Agency, Artist’s comic book revives ‘80s Turkey, http://www.aa.com.tr/en/culture-and-art/artist-s-comic-book-revives-80s-turkey/481601
2015, 16 November, Boing Boing, At least Turkey's tragic politics gives material to comics artistshttp://boingboing.net/2015/11/16/at-least-turkeys-tragic-poli.html
2015, 16 November, Sean Edgar, The Paste Magazine, Exclusive Preview: Ozge Samanci Grows Alongside Her Country in Dare to Disappoint http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2015/11/exclusive-preview-ozge-samancis-dare-to-disappoint.html
2015, 16 November, Kyle Pinion, The Beat, Exclusive Preview: ‘Dare to Disappoint’ paints a vivid portrait of growing up in Turkey, http://www.comicsbeat.com/exclusive-preview-dare-to-disappoint-paints-a-vivid-portrait-of-growing-up-in-turkey/
2015, 16 November, Isil Oz, T24, http://t24.com.tr/haber/turk-egitim-sistemi-icinde-nasil-pelteye-donustugumuzun-hikayesi-dare-to-disappoint,316830
2015, 10 November, Writer's Digest, How I Write My Graphic Novels: A Breakdown from Ozge Samanci http://www.writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/guide-to-literary-agents/how-i-write-my-graphic-novels-a-breakdown-from-ozge-samanci
2015, 9 November,Publishers Weekly, Dare to Disappoint: Growing Up in Turkey http://publishersweekly.com/978-0-374-31698-3
2015, 6 October, Kirkus Starred Review, https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/ozge-samanci/dare-to-disappoint/
2015, 16 September, Emily Graslie, The Brain Scoop, Fiber Optic Ocean by Ozge Samanci, Blog of Field Museum in Chicago
2014, 21 July, Yesim Burul, Turkey.com, Welcome to Extraordinary World of Ozge Samanci, http://turkey.com/discover/ordinary-things-welcome-extraordinary-world-ozge-samanci/
2013, 12 February, Joen Madonna, Rumpus, Spotlight Ozge Samanci, http://therumpus.net/topics/ozge-samanci/
2010, 15 July, Melanie Jones, Bay Nature, Artist Plants Comics at UC Botanical Garden, http://baynature.org/articles/web-only-articles/artist-plants-comics-at-uc-botanical-garden
2008, 8 August, Kirsten Tagami, Atlanta Journal of Constitution, Georgia Tech Team Develops Interactive Comics http://www.ajc.com/metro/content/living/stories/2008/07/07/georgia_tech_interactive_comics.html
2007, April, An Interview by Melanie Maddison, Colouring Outside the Lines, Issue 3, Ozge Samanci, http://cotlzine.blogspot.com/2008/07/ozge-samanci-interview.html
2007, October 17, Anne Thalheimer, Fleen, Online+Comic=Webcomic? (Survey says)
2008, 03 September 03, Featured: Ozge Samanci, Illustrophile, http://www.illustrophile.com/2008/09/ozge-samanci/
2008, 26 October, Delos, Artpatient.com, Ordinary Things What Did I Learn?, http://www.artpatient.com/tag/ozge-samanci/
2007, Siobhan Frost et al., Blanket Magazine, Issue 7 The Aqua Issue, p. 142, Web Sight: www.ordinarycomics.com, http://www.blanketmagazine.com/issues/blanket_issue7.pdf
2023, 13 November, Sedat Palut, Türkiye’de her büyüme hikâyesi sancılı, Karar Gazetesi
2023, 21 April, Aysegul Dogandemir, Gazete Oksijen, Otobiyografik bir büyüme hikayesi, Oksijen
2023, 30 April, Aynur Kulak, "14 yaş civarı, hayatıma nasıl bir yön versem kaygısı başlıyor", Litera Edebiyat
2023, 27 March, Burak Soyer, Şimdi onlar üzülsün! Edebiyat Haber
2023, 7 March, Nilufer Turkoglu, Özge Samanci: “Herkesi̇n Süper Bi̇r Gücü Var. Beni̇mki̇si̇ de Geçmi̇şi̇ Tüm Detaylariyla Hatirlayabi̇lmek”, Ajandakolik
2023, 7 March, Cagla Ozden, Bırak Üzülsünler · “Büyüyünce Ne Olacaksın?”a Verdiği Cevapları Unutan Kuşak, Kalem Kahve Klavye
2022, Esra Oz, Önlem alınmazsa, çöp adaları ve uzay çöpleri insanlığın sonunu nasıl getirecek?, The Independent Turkish
2022, Esra Oz, Interview, Science & Health & Technology
2019, Isil Oz, Interview in a Book, Ne Orali Ne Burali, Karakarga Yayinlari, Istanbul.
2017, Haziran, Elvin Vural, BUMED Dergi, Portre
2017, Mart, Merve Damci, Iz TV Dergisi, Merak Et, Gecmise Mektup, Birak Uzulsunler
2017, 23 February, Bahar Cuhadar, Hurriyet, Akintiya karsi yüzme cesareti veren resimli bir macera...
2017, 5 January, Kiraz Akin, Bes Harfliler, A Graphic Novel, Dare to Disappoint
2016, 29 Aralik, CNN Turk, First books of the year at Iletisim
2016, September, Kaya Genc, Milliyet Sanat,The Book that Travelled the World Comes to its Own
2016, 29 February, Burkem Cevher, Agos, Growing up in Turkey in the 80s
2016, 24 January, Gulenay Borekci, Haber Turk, To Be Happy Ourselves, Sometimes We must Make People We Love Unhappy
2016, January, Ekin Sanac, Bant Magazin, Most Important Treasure of Mine: Memory http://www.bantmag.com/magazine/issue/post/46/683
2016, January, Merve Arkunlar, Vogue Turkey, Black Box of Our Childhood
2015, 29 December, Kiraz Akin, Bes Harfliler, Ozge Samanci’s Graphic Novel: Growing up in Turkey, http://www.5harfliler.com/ozge-samancinin-cizgi-romani-turkiyede-buyumek/
2015, 21 December, Mahir Yavuz, Onur Akmehmet, Adaptasyon 04 023 - Özge Samanci, http://adaptasyon.tumblr.com/
2015, 13 December, Meltem Gurle, BirGun, Chasing the past: Ozge Samanci, http://www.birgun.net/haber-detay/kayip-zamanin-izinde-ozge-samanci-97702.html
2015, 16 November, Isil Oz, T24, http://t24.com.tr/haber/turk-egitim-sistemi-icinde-nasil-pelteye-donustugumuzun-hikayesi-dare-to-disappoint,316830
2015, 1 February, Mahir Yavuz, Onur Akmehmet, Adaptasyon 04 005 - Özge Samanc?, http://adaptasyon.tumblr.com/
2015, 9 January 2015, Isil Oz, T24, http://t24.com.tr/haber/hicbir-dusunce-ya-da-inanc-insan-hayatindan-kutsal-degildir,283216
2013, 22 July, Isil Oz, T24 Comic-con: A Place to Discover and to be Discovered, http://t24.com.tr/haber/comic-con-kesfetme-ve-kesfedilme-yeri/234913
2012, 18 February, Isil Oz, T24, She will tell about Turkey to Americans with Graphic Novel), http://t24.com.tr/haber/turkiyeyi-amerikalilara-cizgi-roman-kitabiyla-anlatacak/197423
2010, 28 November, Isil Oz, Turkish Journal, Magician of Images, Turkish Journal, Available at http://www.turkishjournal.com/i.php?newsid=8751
2008, June, Volkan Eksi, Grafik Tasarim, Ozge Samanci, Issue 21, p. 14-16.
2023, 6 February, Delphine Minoui, Le Figaro, Özge Samanci, artiste à contre-courant, dessine son pays https://www.lefigaro.fr/international/ozge-samanci-artiste-a-contre-courant-dessine-sa-turquie-20230205
2022, 9 December, RFI (Radio French International) Anne Andlauer, Noël en Allemagne: le sapin de la sobriété fait polémique
2022, 25 November, David Medioni, Ernest! Magazine, La Turque du future
2022, 25 November, Jean Michel Morel, OrientXXI, Une enfance en Turquie
2022, 24 November, TV5 Monde Le 64' - L'actualité internationale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaLy9Fl-OWk (interview at 19:30)
2022, 24 November, Didier Pasamonik, ActuaBD, Özge Samancı, une enfance en Turquie
2022, 16 November, Romain Brethes, Le Point, Découvrez « La Vie gourmande », prix Wolinski de la BD du « Point » 2022
2022, 31 October, DBD Magazine, Choisir Sa Case
2022, 14 October, Mr. Natali, BDGest, Nager à contre-courant : une enfance en Turquie
2022, 08 October, Nora Seni, Observatoire Turquie, « Nager à contre-courant » d’Özge Samanci, un nouveau météore dans l’univers de la BD turque
2022, 08 October, Eric Aeschimann, Renaud Février et Amandine Schmitt, L’OBS, « La grosse laide », « Journal inquiet d’Istanbul », « Ténébreuse »… : nos 14 BD préférées de la rentrée
2016, 06 October, Ceyda Nurthsch, Deutsche Welle, Kunst - zum Trotz! Kultur zwischen Widerstand und Zensur in der Türkei
2016, 05 October, Ceyda Nurthsch, Qantana.de Der Druck auf türkische Künstler wächsthttp://de.qantara.de/inhalt/interview-mit-oezge-samanci-der-druck-auf-tuerkische-kuenstler-waechst
2016, 29 December, Ron Rijghard, NRC Handelsblad, Getekende levensverhalen
2016, 17 June, Cutting Edge, Özge Samanci, ‘Teleurstellen vergt lef’
2016, 21 June, Koen Driessens, Hebban, Graphic memoir stelt niet teleur
2016, 14 February, George Lialios Kathimerini, As A Child, I Thought Greece was Blue, Like Its Mountains.
2016, 31 January, Elisa Pierandrei, Linkieasta, Dare to Disappoint
2016, 12 August, De Standaard, Duran Duran and Islam
2018, 4 July, Folha de S. Paulo, Em festival de arte eletronica, visitante pode controlar oceano e esticar corpos nus
2018, June, Guia Folha, Espaços culturais de São Paulo inauguram grandes exposições coletivas
2018, 5 July, SP1 News, Festival reúne obras de arte que provocam o corpo em SP
2018, 11 August, Veja Sao Paulo, O que fazer no fim de semana sem gastar nada
2022, 14 June, TerrassaDigital, Veure la deixalla espacial de forma immersiva des del CITM